Stop landfilling

Dangerous landfills. We all pay for them

In the 1990s, the Czech Republic dealt with waste by building over 220 landfills with a huge capacity to absorb mainly mixed municipal waste. This is an incredible amount for such a small country. At present, 46% of municipal waste is landfilled. Just to give you an idea, Germany currently dumps 0%, Austria 3%, the Netherlands [...].

Stop landfilling

Presented at the Circular Economy Conference 2018

The conference entitled The Future of Waste Management in the EU, organised by the European Movement in the Czech Republic, brought together representatives of institutions, organisations and other stakeholders involved in the implementation of the principles of circular economy and related changes, especially in waste management. Unfortunately, a representative of municipalities was absent. What challenges does the adoption and subsequent implementation of the new waste legislation pose for [...]

Stop landfilling

The amendment to Decree No. 294 does not prevent the construction of recycling and separation lines

Recently, landfill companies have come up with a stricter calorific value parameter (from 8 MJ/kg to 6.5 MJ/kg in dry matter) for the output of recycling and sorting lines for mixed municipal waste in response to the amendment of Decree 294/2005 Coll. The Ministry of the Environment and representatives of the [...]

Stop landfilling