Promote the principles of the circular economy

The Czech Circular Economy Association (ČAObH) is a voluntary non-political union of citizens and corporations connected by an interest in conserving primary resources, reducing costs at industrial concerns and reducing negative impacts on the environment and human health by reducing the amount of waste produced.

Founder members of the association:
SUEZ CZ a.s., Veolia Vedlejší produkty ČR, s.r.o., the Centre for Environmental Declarations

Who are we?

Executive Committee of the Czech Circular Economy Association

RNDr. Miloš Kužvart
Executive Director of the ČAObH
Dipl. Ing. Zdeněk Horsák, Ph.D.
Petr Špičák
VEOLIA representative of the member company Recovera Využití virov a.s.
Zbyněk Kozel
Michal Urbánek
Ciur - CEO
Karel Jelinek
Sako - CEO

Members of the Czech Circular Economy Association

We are a member of

Our mission

Green Deal

ČAObh continues to work on the development of circular economy principles in the Czech Republic. Following the promotion of new waste ...

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