All posts by: nikol

About nickel

Improved energy and material security

Vyšší energetická a materiálová bezpečnost zemí EU Třetí ročník konference FEAD –  ČAObH Organizátor: Česká asociace oběhového hospodářství (ČAObH) ve spolupráci s FEAD Datum: čtvrtek 31. 10. 2024, 9:00 – 16:00 hod. Místo: Impact Hub, Drtinova 557/10, Praha 5 – Smíchov 150 00 Rezervujte si své místo na konferenci na


Representatives of the CABH discussed the circular challenges of the Czech Republic with Minister Petr Hladík

V Praze 25. 5. 2023 – Ministr životního prostředí Petr Hladík se krátce sešel se zástupci České asociace oběhového hospodářství (ČAObH), která zastupuje členy ze soukromé i neziskové sféry, silné hráče v oblasti odpadového hospodářství, energetiky nebo vodárenství, které spojuje snaha o prosazování principů cirkulární ekonomiky. Tématem schůzky byly také možnosti vyšší míry využití odpadů […]

Tiskové zprávy - vše

Seminar on upcycling, Helsinki

Seminář o upcyclingu, HelsinkyAmbasáda ČR ve Finsku ve spolupráci s ČAObHOsobní účast výkonného ředitele ČAObH RNDr. Miloše Kužvarta Odkaz na dokument


FEAD & CHAObH joint event on Greater Energy and Material Security in EU Countries

Prague, 22 September 2022 - FEAD, the voice of Europe's private resource and waste management industry, alongside its Czech member, the Czech Association of Circular Economy (ČAObH), organised a successful event on Greater Energy and Material Security in EU Countries. The hybrid event hosted prominent politicians, experts, and high-level EU officials including Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, [...]


Has the current energy crisis cornered recycling?

What place should waste have in the energy mix? Is the emission allowance system fair? Do European environmental targets such as recycling vs. reducing greenhouse gas emissions go against each other? Do "old" and "young" EU countries have the same opportunities to achieve them? These are just some of the themes of the international conference on Enhanced Energy and Material Security in the [...]


Conference is coming, registration from 8 August

In the context of all the current changes, we have been fine-tuning the programme until the last minute to ensure that the conference provides as many answers to current questions as possible, brings very specific topics and fits into the context of the Czech Presidency during which it is taking place. The main and very clear theme is energy and raw materials. Are we taking sufficient account of the principles of the circular economy and reserves in today's crisis [...]
