
12. 5. 2021

WEBINAR 2021: Is GREEN DEAL a threat or an opportunity?

We invite you to a unique series of webinars 15 June - 22 June - 29 June 2021 What does GREEN DEAL bring and will bring to the Czech industry? And what will it bring to the environment? We will take a purely pragmatic look at the green deal in an information-packed webinar series prepared by the Czech Association of Circular Economy. The series consists of three unique online meetings. You can meet representatives of key ministries and industry. The webinar series is under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic. The series is intended primarily for industry representatives, but also for others interested in the topic.

The GREEN DEAL, the Green Deal for Europe, sets out the European Commission's priorities for 2020-2025. The package of measures was presented on 11 December 2019 and aims to move towards a more sustainable, greener economy. Around €260 billion of additional annual investment will be needed to achieve the Agreement's climate and energy targets by 2030, or around 1.5% of gross domestic product. What is the reality? How concrete is it already making its way into the world of industry? And how fast do we need to move to make sure we don't fall behind?

Let's stay patient, let's still stay online, The webinars will take place in the online environment of, which combines the advantages of online and live meetings. It allows you to watch the speakers via LIVE stream in the comfort of your office or home, but you can also respond to the speakers in the live chat and ask questions. Parallel to the ongoing webinar, you can introduce yourself to other participants and network.

More information about the individual speakers here.


Webinar #1 - 15 June 2021 (9:00 - 13:00)

Karel Havlíček, Deputy Prime Minister - video greetings

Richard Brabec, Minister of the Ministry of the Environment - introductory remarks

Silvana Jirotková, MIT - GD as a challenge for industry

Vladislav Smrž, Ministry of the Environment - GD as a challenge for the environment

Jaroslav Rokos - Sokolovská uhelná, case study

Zdeněk Horsák, SUEZ CZ - GD and circular economy

Call announcement and moderated discussion

Webinar #2 - 22 June 2021 (9:00 - 13:00)

Zdeněk Horsák, SUEZ CZ - "Neuralgic points" of GD in the Czech Republic

Jan Pavlík, Enviros - Financial resources for GD

Kateřina Kodadová, SUEZ CZ - Call for participants - GD as an opportunity for all stakeholders

Katarína Kajánková, Alliance for Women in ObH - GD and consumer, role of industry

Concrete steps 2021/22 for GD in the Czech Republic - Zbyněk Kozel, EKO-KOM and other members of the CABObH

Radek Špicar, SPČR - Reality of GD or what your business is waiting for

Discussion and answering questions

Webinar #3 - 29 June 2021 (9:00 - 13:00)

Jan Mraček, HK ČR - GD in theory and practice of industrial enterprises

GD as an opportunity for all actors - results and best practices from industrial companies

Final discussion and questions.

Registration and price
The price of the whole cycle of three webinars on 15 June - 22 June - 29 June 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. is CZK 1,500 excluding VAT.

Green Deal, Webinars